Asthma is a respiratory condition. It is a very common question whether asthma patients are at a higher risk of the COVID-19 virus. Well, the answer is certainly No! However, people having moderate to severe asthma need to be very careful. Such people need to keep their asthma conditions under control diligently.
COVID-19 is a deadly virus. It has taken millions of lives so far. The virus directly attacks major respiratory organs, lungs. People who are already dealing with respiratory conditions such as pneumonia or asthma need to be more careful about it.
Extra Precautions For Asthma Patients
People living with Asthma should always be one step ahead. However, there are certain precautions that will help them to keep asthma and the risk of the COVID-19 virus well under control. Let us review some of these essential preventive measures.
Continue Asthma Medications
Experts advise Asthma patients to continue taking prescribed medicines during the pandemic. Asthma people should aim to keep airways inflammation to a much-reduced level. Likewise, reducing the risk of exacerbations is also very essential. In order to reduce these inflammatory risks and asthma attacks, asthma patients need to keep maintenance inhalers and continue with prescribed oral corticosteroids.
Get An Action Plan
Asthma patients should keep in touch with their physicians. In case when asthma patients observe any trouble, they are advised to contact a doctor immediately. Even if the asthma symptoms seem to worsen, call the doctor right away. It is better to follow a physician-prescribed asthma action plan strictly, and if you really do not have any action plan, ask your doctor for one. This will be very helpful.
Avoid Alcohol & Drugs
Asthma patients should take good care of their health. Similarly, they should avoid anything that is harmful to their health as this may even worsen conditions and may even trigger asthma attacks. Alcoholic beverages and drugs come on the top of the list. Substances such as histamines and sulfites found in alcohol and drugs can trigger asthma attacks. So it is better to avoid it, especially during a pandemic. It is better to keep antagonist medication such as Narcan-naloxone to reverse drugs effect and keep your close family members troubling with addiction safe.
Wear A Mask
It is a common question whether people with Asthma can safely wear masks without any trouble. The answer is definitely, yes! Asthma patients can safely wear masks without any kind of discomfort. Mask is an essential precautionary measure, and it has nothing to do with worsening asthma conditions. Wearing a mask is crucial to keep yourself and others safe. Wearing a mask is very necessary if you're coughing or if you are moving into a public area.
Keep A Nebulizer
Nebulizers can give asthma patients a much-needed helping hand. Using a nebulizer, especially during a pandemic, can be a valuable means to keep asthma conditions under control. There are certain issues that come with it and need to be taken care of.
Firstly, it is very crucial to keep it personal as there are greater chances for viruses to spread through droplets. Make sure that you are alone in the room. It reduces the risk for others to come into contact with viruses through droplets. Make sure to properly clean the nebulizer after each use as there are healthy chances for microbes to collect into the nebulizer.
Get Vaccination
Getting vaccination for COVID-19 is the best way to avoid this deadly virus. It is better to talk to your physician if you are planning to get vaccinated. Adults can easily get the COVID-19 vaccination without any trouble. However, for young children, the pneumonia vaccination can prove very handy.
Keep A Physical Distance From Others
Social distancing is another easy and very effective precautionary measure to keep oneself safe from the COVID-19 virus. Make sure to avoid unnecessary outside movement. Avoid crowds, more specifically indoor crowds, as viruses can easily spread in indoor areas. It is better for you to stay away from people who are sick or ill. There are certain tips that can help you to avoid unnecessary outdoor movement, such as:
- You may even use other means of communication to stay connected by still managing a safe distance.
- Using an online delivery method to get groceries and other necessary supplies
- Avoid or postpone unnecessary leisure travel
- Avoid indoor gatherings and parties
- Stock up basic medicines, so you do not have to move out to buy them each time
Ventilate Indoor Air
Outdoor air is safer as it is constantly in circulation, and it is very hard for germs to spread through it. However, the indoor air can easily become contaminated and saturated. This makes it very easy for viruses to spread around. Managing to ventilate indoors more frequently is a very effective precautionary measure. There are various simple methods that can help to ventilate indoors. Such as, you can open up windows and doors for a while to let air cross around. Furthermore, running air cleaners and air filters can also be used to ventilate indoor air.
Wash Your Hands
Hands are an easy means for germs and viruses to get into the body. It is a very necessary precautionary measure to keep away from contagious viruses such as COVID-19. Experts suggest that washing hands with soap for at least 10-20 seconds can help in getting rid of germs on hands.
Make sure your hands are clean, especially when you are coming from outside. You may even use hand sanitizer to clean your hands. Use hand sanitizers with 60% ethyl alcohol as it is very effective against germs.
Regularly Disinfect Surfaces
Germs can survive much longer on surfaces as compared to other places. Therefore, it is a good idea to disinfect surfaces on a regular basis. You can use any surface cleaner or sanitizer. However, be cautious as these cleaners may even trigger asthma.
Hence open up windows and switch on exhaust fans to avoid undesirable situations. Cleaning surfaces is very necessary as you can have direct contact with these surfaces in routine.
Take Away
Everyone is required to take precautionary measures in order to stay safe. However, people with Asthma and other chronic illnesses need to take some extra precautionary measures to stay safe.
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